Our Clients are on Cloud9!


We are dedicated to getting you the most innovative promotional product options, made with the right materials, workmanship and design. Here are some example of our work:



GOAL  |  Develop a special giveaway for employees that they will be proud to use.

OBJECTIVE  |  Client wanted to provide their employees with a distinct, special gift to reward employees.

Working alongside client and local vendors, we developed an original concept to design a one-of-a-kind bag.  Rickshaw, a local SF bag designer was able to provide a unique bag only available to LinkedIn, which was extremely popular among employees.

TAKEAWAY  |  Keep it local! It’s always nice when a large corporation supports its community and local vendors.



Creative marketing

GOAL  |  Increase social media activity, increase website visits, increase trade show booth traffic and develop a brand identity with broader audience.

OBJECTIVE  |  Client/Customer wanted creative marketing ideas to increase brand recognition and awareness.

While working with the client, we came up with a brand mascot to create a fun personality for the organization. The objective was to invent a mascot that would align with the organization’s identity, while attracting a larger target audience, achieving a larger return on marketing investments, and establishing a stronger brand, awareness and identity.  Ultimately, we were able to create an experience that provided value to conference attendees. Instead of passing by the booth, they were compelled to stop by and learn about the product based on the buzz surrounding our client.  

TAKEAWAY  |  Define a message you really want your brand to say that may or may not be directly tied to the product. Then, build an experience around it.




promoting your brand

GOAL  |   Increase engagement and brand awareness amongst teams working alongside high profile clients.  

OBJECTIVE  |   Provide an upscale branded good that would attract senior sales and leadership individuals and encourage them to get the word out about the joint partnership.  

TAKEAWAY  |   Motivate specific behaviors through incentives! Using incentives or rewards to motivate specific behaviors can increase successful outcomes.



personalized giveaway

GOAL  |   Provide a unique custom item that can be used during a gala event as well as taken home as a giveaway.

OBJECTIVE  |   Client was seeking innovative ideas to highlight the winning team of the Louis Vuitton Cup sailing regatta during the gala dinner.

We presented the client with several personalized ideas which highlighted their brand and event details.  They selected the napkin to provide customized detail and elegance to their gala dinner. The napkins were a huge success and sparked conversation about the high caliber event.

TAKEAWAY  |  Providing guests with customized napkins help to make your special event beautiful and unique!




Environmentally conscious

GOAL  |   Provide a cool, custom sail bag that will be admired and used.

OBJECTIVE  |   We provided our client with a one of a kind, locally handcrafted sail bags made from repurposed sailcloth.

TAKEAWAY  |   No crew is complete without customized team gear! Show your team pride on the water with almost any kind of sailing gear.



Team Gear

GOAL  |   As part of this popular Bay Area summer baseball camp, the founder and coaches were seeking baseball gear to get their teams geared up for the summer sports camp season.  

OBJECTIVE  |   Provide teams with logo’d gear to establish camaraderie among teammates as well as increase brand awareness within the community.

TAKEAWAY  |   Camp gear = Identity, Unity and Equality! Team gear creates a community vibe and establishes a cool factor! By wearing and sharing, campers show their support and loyalty to their team/camp and dedication to each other.




© 2018, Cloud Nine Branded Goods
